bad news...good news!

For the bad news first...We just knew that my aunt and her daughter were one of the passengers of the capsized MV Princess of the stars. My cousin had a job interview bound for Singapore and my aunt accompanied her. Little did we know her dreams died too soon. Our heartfelt condolence to the Rosello Family.


how do I start with the good news...

I have always been fascinated by my mom's collection of jewelries. She has this eternity ring in gold setting. Im not a big fan of gold jewelries but this ring is awesome. I have tried everything to get my hands on that ring...been wanting to borrow it, but for her it's the most precious one since it was the perfect pair for her wedding no can do!

So, my mom and I went out.. gone malling. I was eyeing on this eternity ring inside a silver shop ( since its the only thing I can afford..white gold would be nice..hehe!)

I asked the saleslady if they had that design for my finger size fortunately they did! yehey! but just can't afford to buy a ring for now.

Then my mom asked me Do you like it? I said yes but I can't afford a ring for now. It can wait. Here's the best part...! Don't change that channel..
She told me I'll buy it for a birthday gift..haha!

Well it would be too early for a birthday gift two months ahead!
but what the heck! It's something I have always wanted... I was caught off guard..shocked maybe. I didn't know my mom would buy me a ring yesterday. Thank you!


{April} said...

Hahahaha. Naks! Early early happy birthday gift! :)

on the other note...

OH MY GOSH!!! Really?!?!? Your cousin and your aunt???? :(

I'm so sorry to hear that.

I'm having scary hunches here. What's your cousin's name? I know somebody named Rosello but it may just be one of the Rosello's in Cebu or Manila. Her mom's from Manila, I think.
My friend's name is Celeste. Sure hope it isn't her.

Mishu Micai.

pinagpala said...

hi pril! her mom's name is Monsa and i forgot my cousin's name...she's my 2nd cousin na nya dli sad mi magcge og kita...thanks pril ako aunt na but iya daughter wla pa..

miss u too pril dli naman ta magabot uie..musta na?

{April} said...

ay ay, basin dili mao. thank God.

lagi, dili na jud, as in. would you believe nga I'm going to bed as early as 8:30PM then sayo na kaayo ko momata, mga 7:00AM diri.

I dunno, it started when I had a slight fever, sayo ko natulog, then since ana nga day, dali ra kau ko matulog, si fidel mag sge leave og offline message asa na daw ko. hehehe.

Sge lang, I'll try to stay up again, para magka abot ta. :)



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