help! layouts!

It has been three days in a row and still not satisfied with the way how my layout looks like. It's me in a way but definitely not how I imagined it to be. I have asked a lot of help and I'd like to thank April for helping me out. Hope you won't get tired..hehe! I admit it's just too hard to understand her instructions knowing she's at the other end of the globe.

While I was trying to comprehend the things that she just said it slowly came up to me and somewhat understood what she was trying to say about the html,images,photoshop etc...

Knowing how much effort I gave into making this blog a bit nice, I dreamt about it. I was infront of my pc rearranging,uploading,editing. I was actually doing what she was trying to say all along. Now, that Im infront of my pc I definitely don't know where to start. I badly need help. If someone could just teach me a step by step process on how to do it I would easily understand.

I jumped from blog to blog yesterday appreciating their layouts wishing mine was as good as theirs. Wishing I took fine arts or studied layouting and the like...Im just pissed,disappointed and tired why I just can't or don't know how to do it...aaarrrggghhhhhh!

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